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What is Mindfulness? And how does it apply from a Christian Perspective?

Writer's picture: Garret HuntGarret Hunt

After my last video on the Mindfulness Cycle, someone wrote me and asked three follow up questions: 1. What actually is mindfulness?

2. How can mindfulness change and grow our identity in God?

3. Regarding "being the MC (Master of Ceremonies) of our own lives," how does Jesus fit into this?

You can read my response below or watch it in a video format here.

To put it simply, mindfulness is being aware without judgement.

Sounds easy... but very hard to maintain! 

As far as how mindfulness can change and grow our identity in God, I believe mindfulness is what Jesus described as the Kingdom of Heaven. What lies in our midst... the reality before us that is so hard for us to often truly see as it is. The majestic miracle of every moment; as the present moment is the only moment that truly exists. 

I think for most of us- we tend to spend so much time dwelling on the past and worrying about the future, judging others instead of letting God's unconditional love pour through us. We struggle to walk naked with God in the Garden, because for most of us our bodies (our temples) are filled with unidentified suppressed trauma and our hearts are blocked with deep fear and shame we have not forgiven ourselves for- that we have not yet believed Jesus can heal. We have not yet died to ourselves, because we're so out of touch with our true self, we are out of touch with God Himself.

So He patiently waits for us as this life refines us, and I think He uses the universe to try and grow us, and get our attention. But until we're ready to see, to listen, to be truly present, and truly mindful, we will likely be swept up by the flood of culture, the world, distraction... the snakes of deceit. For many of us... struggling, wishing for more and wondering what the purpose of it all is while we put on brave faces for everyone but ourselves- because if anyone truly knew who we were inside, it would be too much.

As far as how Jesus fits in regarding "being the MC of our own lives," being the Master of Ceremonies of our own lives is to arise to God's calling in your life. To travel the narrow path of restoring the wholeness in which God originally created you, and to journey closer to walking naked in the garden with God. Many of us live our lives as victims, but the saint comes to terms with their true self- to master the self is not to block out God, it is to unwaveringly stop blocking yourself from Him. As Jesus said, "I and the Father are one."


That's my take anyways... hopefully that makes sense and sits well with you- what do you think? Do you haves a different take? A different perspective? Comment below.

If you're interested in journeying toward mindfulness and having a greater sense of wholeness in your life, feel free to reach out to me. I'd love to chat with you more.

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